Solent University: Year 3

Keep the Faith: Documentary 2021

In a world full of violence and hatred it can be hard to escape to a place of peace and tranquility… Across the world many people find solace through a belief system, whether that be spiritual or strong belief in certain principles or ideologies. This is my journey in understanding why people follow, turn or adopt these types of beliefs, and how it ultimately changes their lives.

Solent University: Year 2

'A Stage of Colour': Highlights 2019

Following a client brief I had to film a dance show called ‘A Stage of Colour’, for Sammy’s School of Dance. I then had to edit together an hour of material to put onto DVDs for the students and their parents. To accompany this job I was also tasked to create a short highlights reel, which showcases in short form what I was tasked to do. 

Street Support: Behind the Scenes of Society of St James

As part of my freelancing unit for Solent Creatives, myself and a small crew had the opportunity to create a 3 minute documentary for Society of St James. The video was then shown at a city-wide partnership conference held at Solent University which we attended. The video itself was made to raise awareness for the organisation and the ever growing problem of homelessness in Southampton.

War of the Words: Documentary

Is the fight for freedom and equality really bringing us closer to one another or pushing us further away? In an ever-changing society, people live in ‘fear’ of being scrutinised for having their own opinion and are increasingly put under pressure in daily situations to adhere to the rules of political correctness. Being part of a society that glorifies reading off of the script, makes us question whether political correctness is only used as a mask to appease the masses?

Darkfest: Concert Highlights

Following a client brief myself and a crew of 6 others headed to Portsmouth to document Darkfest. The event was a cross between contemporary drama & live orchestral music. My role at the event was cinematographer which meant I had to capture both the live performance and sit-down interviews with some of the cast. The editing credit for this highlight video goes to James Tobin.

Solent University: Year 1

Mid-Hants Railway:
Meta Documentary

This short form meta-style (making of) documentary was made in my first year at Southampton Solent University in response to a client brief. We were tasked with promoting the railway and the great opportunities that are presented to university students by getting involved with real client work. 

Bingo Night: Edit

Following an assessment brief, I was tasked with editing together a sequence using rushes from a short comedy sequence called ‘Bingo Night’. The main challenge whilst editing this piece was to demonstrate coherence between multiple stories running parallel to one another. This piece was edited together by myself during my first year at Southampton Solent University.

Rock Climber: Edit

Following an assessment brief, I was tasked with editing together a sequence using rushes from a short factual documentary about rock climbing.The main objective with this piece was to create a coherent sequence from the variety of the footage I had access to. This piece was edited together by myself during my first year at Southampton Solent University.

A-Level: Year 2

Kill Streak

This short film demonstrates the serious impact violent video games can have on young people. The protagonist is so addicted to video games that he has lost the ability to differentiate between what’s fiction and non-fiction. This causes him to go on an aggressive killing spree, as if he were inside a video game… 


Our protagonist is awoken suddenly in the middle of the night by strange voices. After venturing downstairs to get a glass of water she witnesses a unidentified flying object fall from the sky and crash lands in a forest nearby. She decides to go out and investigate further to find whether the noises she is hearing are connected in any way to the crash. 

This short film was nominated for ‘best sound’ and ‘best
short film’ in the 2017 Southampton Media & Film Awards evening, which was held at Southampton Solent University.

A-Level: Year 1

The Days that Followed...

A lone survivor tapes video diaries of himself, explaining his struggles within a post-apocalyptic world. The film includes flashbacks to events which happened prior and how they have changed and manipulated his original sense of self into a cold, isolated and emotionless character who seems to have given up. Is there hope for the survivor or has he truly lost the will to go on fighting? 

This short film was put together with David Jones & wonbest film’ in the Itchen College 2016 Oscars.

Evil Prevails

The narrative follows a young couple who move into a new property. However, when the protagonist ventures up into the attic, he finds an old, antique china doll, clearly left by the previous residents. After finding the doll strange things begin to occur…

S.A.D Social Anxiety Disorder

I was given an opportunity to create a film to raise awareness on the issue of mental health and how it effects the everyday lives of many people across the UK. The film highlights the impact of social anxiety disorder and educates the viewer on what they can do to aid those who are suffering. 

This short film was presented to an NHS panel.